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发布时间: 2021-01-29 14:47:47


如何婉拒求职申请 对于求职者来说,成与不成都希望招聘的公司能给个回话。对于招聘公司来说,要拒绝求职者也要注意一些技巧,说“你不符合我们的要求”听起来有些刺耳,也容易让求职者失去信心。因此拒绝的时候还要表明“虽然你不适合这个工作,但这是工作本身的要求,而不是说你能力不行”。我们看看下面这封拒信是怎么写的吧! Dear Mr. Geer Thank you for taking the time to send us your resume and the returned application form. We appreciate the interest you have expressed in working with our company It is clear that you are a motivated indivial with some important skills to offer. Unfortunately, after reviewing your experiences and interest related to our current opportunities we have to conclude that we do not have a suitable position available. This decision is certainly not a reflection on your qualifications or capabilities. We are only in a position to assess your qualifications as they relate to our present opportunities. We do, however, keep your application on file for a period of two years. In the event our situation should change, we would be happy to get in touch with you within that time frame. In the meantime, best of luck in finding a challenging position in your field of interest! Sincerely yours读了《》的人还读了: 1、求职英语:激励职场新人的英语 2、求职英语:关于会计职务 3、面试经典问题求职英语 4、商务英语—感谢信范文求职英语 5、律师助理求职英语14 6、实用求职英语:应聘销售员之职面谈 7、求职英语: Wine and Sewage Law 8、求职英语.个人信息 9、求职英语:外企HR谈如何准备英文简历?

⑵ 求面试拒绝信的模板!英文的!谢谢

Dear XXX,

Thank you very much for offering me the position of XXX . It was a difficult decision to make, but, I have accepted a position with another company.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to interview me and to share information on the opportunity and your company.

Again, thank you for your consideration.



⑶ 应聘单位发来拒绝信,不知道该如何回复。纯英文的


⑷ 帮忙写一封求职信回复拒绝的英语作文,详细看图,急!

Dear Mr. Green,
Thanks for applying for the job of a salesperson.
It is pity to tell you for that you didn’t get the interview opportunity because your major is not matching the requirements of this position. But we will keep Mr. Green's resume and promise you that we will let you know if have any proper position .
Best regards,

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