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working experience

② 用英語寫工作經歷怎麼寫


③ 我有這方面的工作經驗 用英語怎麼說

I have work experience in this area

④ 請問"工作經歷"用英文怎麼說!謝謝

Working Experience

⑤ "工作經歷"用英文怎麼說

[詞典] work experience; occupational history; work history; business experience;
Alongside the Job Creation Programme they launched a Work Experience Programme.

⑥ 【英語】如何用英語介紹自己工作經驗 詳細

A:Not yet. I originally planned to go abroad to study after leaving college, but I couldn't get a visa. I:Your resume says you have had one ~ S experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? A:I worked in a foteign rep. office for one year. However, I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather ll. I found another job which is more interesting. I:Have you done any work in this field? A:Yes, I have worked in this field for four years. First, I worked in an American company as a sales representative, then I transferred to a Hong Kong company as a sales manager. I:What kind of jobs have you had? A:I worked as a business coordinator in a foreign representative office, then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager. So I am familiar with the textile market in China. I: What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field? A: First ,I think my technical background is helpful. I have enough knowledge to market the procts of your company. Secondly, I have studied for four months in a Marketing Training Programme with satisfactory results. Finally, I have mastered the English Language. These qualifications will make me successful in my career. I: What have you learned from the jobs you have had? A: I have learned a lot about business know-how and basic office skills. In addition , I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues. I:Can you get recommendations from your previous employers? A:Yes, I have brought them with me. Here they are. I; What's you major weak point? A:I haven't been involved In international business, so I don' t have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Centre of the Shanghai Foreign Service Company. I: What are your greatest strengths? A I know a lot about flow the Chinese economy works, and how business is done here. Secondly, I speak English fluently. I have no difficulty with language. And, I am a hardworker when I have something challenging to do. I: Please tell me about your working experience. A: I have five years experience in the chemical instry since I graated from college. First of all I worked as an assistant engineer in the No.1 Chemical Instry Co. Three years later I transferred to ABC Chemict Instry Company. Now I am working in the Sale Department of that company. I:Does your present employer know you are looking another job? A:No, I haven't discussed my career plans with my resent employer, but I am sure he will understand. 生活中不好意思說的話的英文版 當你難以啟齒時…… 一名中國留學生初到美國,在機場找廁所,問老外:「Where is W.C.?」老外聽不懂。一名中國太太到醫院生產,洋護士問她:「Did you have a bowel movement?」她卻聽不懂。還有人學了幾十年的英語,還不曉得英語里的「大便」、「小便」、「放屁」真正應該怎麼說…… 廁所 在美國一般都叫 rest room 或 bath room(男女廁均可)或分別叫做 men『s room 或 ladies『 room(=powder room),不過在飛機上,則叫 lavatory,在軍中又叫 latrine。至於 W.C. (water closet)仍是過去英國人用的,在美國,幾乎沒有人使用。 解小便 最普通的說法是 to urinate(名詞是 urination),如果去看病,護士為了化驗小便,就會給你一個杯子說:「Will (could) you urinate in this cup?」醫生或許也會問:「Do you have trouble urinating?」=Do you have difficulty voiding?(小便有困難嗎?) 此外,還有其他的說法:to piss = to take a piss = to take a leak = to void = to empty。 例如: * I need to piss = I have to take a leak. * How often do you get up at night to void?(晚上起床小便幾次?) 此外,john(j 小寫時,不是男人名字)是 bath room 或 toilet 的意思(也叫 outhouse),這通常是指在戶外工作場地所使用的臨時或流動性廁所(有時前面也加 portable 一字)。不過也有老外把家裡的廁所叫做 john。 例如: * There are several (portable) johns in the construction site.(在建築場地有幾個臨時廁所。) * He went to the john a few minutes ago.(他在幾分鍾前上了廁所。) * The manual labours have to use (portable) johns ring their working hours.(勞動者在工作時間內需要使用流動性廁所。) 不過,小孩多半用 to pee 。例如: * The boy needs to pee. 然而,「小便檢查」又叫做 urine test,因為這里的 urine 是化驗的樣品(specimen)。 例如: * Do I need a urine test? 注意:to piss off 是片語,又是指對人生氣或對事物的不滿。不過這是不禮貌的片語,少用為妙。

⑦ 工作經歷用英語怎麼說,英文簡歷中工作經歷怎麼寫

work experience
英 [wə:k iksˈpiəriəns] 美 [wɚk ɪkˈspɪriəns]
The value of this work experience should not be underestimated

⑧ 工作經驗英文怎麼說 工作經驗的英文是什麼

[詞典] [計] hands-on background;
Relevant work experience is required for overseas postings.

⑨ 有一年的工作經驗用英語怎麼說

have one-year experience of working

⑩ 「獲得更多的工作經驗」用英語該怎麼說啊

To gain more working experience

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